Trick analog clock plug in windows XP

Trick analog clock plug in windows XP

Replace analog clock on desktop for those who use Windows 7 may already be familiar with its features in the form of gadgets. These features are not yet able to be enjoyed for users of Windows XP.

But for users of Windows XP do not need to feel jealous because the application "Clocx", we also can display an analog clock on your desktop that is not less interesting with existing features in Windows 7. The application is a freeware (free application) we can get (download) on the internet for free. Freeware applications have size 941 KB (standard) a full version (9.4MB).

To use it of course we have to download it first.

After successfully downloading it, please to install it on our computer. If successful, we will be able to see analog clock in the upper left on the desktop computer. But we can put a clock on the other side of our liking.