You must have your favorite programs, in terms of programs that you use very often.In this article I have a trick to open applications by pressing the appropriate key combination you desire. So it would be practical and easy, follow the instructions below:
Right-click an application shortcut you want, then select Properties. Then it will appear as below.
Place the mouse cursor into the Shortcut Key edit box. Then press the key combination you want.Right-click an application shortcut you want, then select Properties. Then it will appear as below.
In the picture, use the key combination is Ctrl + Shift + W.
After that, place the mouse cursor in the edit box Run. There are three options, namely Normail window, Minimized, Maximized. Maximized means that the application will open with a maximum window size. Minimized means that the application will open in a minimized state.
From now to open the application you want to simply press a key combination that you specified in step 2 above.